The summer season is winding down, the kids are back to school, Thanksgiving is here and the last thing on your mind is the improvements you need to make to your landscape. That will be a project for next year, right? Even if you are not starting construction in your yard until next year right now is the perfect time to start planning. Why you ask? Well there are many reasons of which I have listed a few below.
1. Many contractors have their schedules booked for the spring at least 6 months in advance. By thinking ahead and having a landscape design completed in the fall or winter season you will have a better chance of booking a contractor for the upcoming Spring/Summer.
2. The off season is when industry professionals such as designers and contractors have more time to spend with you. If only you could gain more hours in the day when you need them but the reality is there are the same number of hours in the day in May as January but triple the amount of requests. The off season is a great time to ensure your contractors give you their undivided attention for the design and quoting phase of your project.
3. Your contractor can ensure the hardscape supplies and plant material required are ordered and ready for the next season. With limited weeks for installation in our climate nothing is worse than having to wait 6 weeks for a specific paver or stone to come in. Planning ahead helps to make the installation go more smoothly.
Be prepared for when the snow is gone and the sunshine calls you outdoors.